

22 Jul 2020

First RSPO certified company in Mexico

In the framework of the II Mexican Palmero Congress and the VIII RSPO Latin American Conference held from March 3 to 5, 2020 in the city of Campeche, Mexico, the company OLEOPALMA, officially received the certificate that accredits it as the first company certified before the Round Table on Sustainable Oil (RSPO)

¨ We are very proud that OLEOPALMA, a company dedicated to the cultivation, production, processing and commercialization of palm oil and its derivatives, is the first Mexican company to obtain this certificate, which means that its Jalapa and Palenque mills with their base of corresponding supply, they can produce and sell palm oil and kernel oil certified under the international RSPO standard.¨ José Luis Pérez Morett. Oleopalma CEO



